2024 Season

14 January 2025

Key Eastlake High School Boys Soccer Notes

This page provides key notes that every player and parent should be aware of before the season begins.

Training and Practices

Soccer teams train after school every Monday through Friday from 3:00 p.m. to 4:30/7:00 p.m., unless otherwise directed by their coach.  Except:  There is no practice or training on game days.  Practices are mandatory unless cleared with the coach in advance of the absence.  Team events for Varsity are also mandatory.  Items each player should bring to practices, training, and games:
    1) Water Bottle
    2) Soccer appropriate clothing, cleats, and "all players must wear shinguards." 

Note:  Coaches may require running long distances so players should bring good running shoes or sneakers in addition to soccer clothes and cleats.


Uniforms are distributed to all Players at the beginning of the season.  Some incidentals are provided during Parent Night such as socks and the fees for these items are collected at that time.  All uniform items are returned at the end of the season such as bags, jerseys, and shorts.

Player Requirements

Registration for Eastlake High School sports must be completed before tryouts. 

Each perspective Player must have their "sports clearance card" prior to the first tryout or practice.

Players must attend a minimum number of practices, which is ten, prior to the first game in which they play.

Players must pass required grade checks to be eligible to play in any competition games. No "F's" and above a 2.0.

Varsity Players attend "Camp Waskowitz in North Bend" on a weekend before the season begins.  There is an additional fee for the camp which is collected on Parent Night. Extra training is provided during the camp time, as well as team-building exercises.

Before each Home game, teams may have required team-building events.  (e.g. Pasta feeds for Varsity team, or Friday group dinners for Freshman/Sophomore team, etc.)

During the bus ride for Away games, teams may have sub-sandwiches, healthy snacks, and sport drinks.  Fees for these items are collected during Parent Night.

On "Game Day" Eastlake High School Soccer teams typically wear the lighter (white) uniform kit for Home games, and the dark (maroon) uniform kit for Away games.  However, always bring both and be prepared for changes!!!

Season Game Notes

Junior Varsity and Varsity games are played on the same day.  Junior Varsity games begin at 5:30 p.m. followed by the Varsity at 7:30 p.m., unless otherwise noted on the master schedule.

Freshman/Sophomore games are typically on Mondays (Home) and Wednesdays (Away) mostly starting at 6:00 p.m. or 6:30 p.m.


Parent volunteers are needed to help support the team-building events such as pasta feeds.

As a fundraiser, Parent volunteers are needed to run the concession stand during the Junior Varisty and Varsity Home games. (There will be no concession stand for the 2024 season that parents have to work at.)

Near the end of the season there will be "Senior Night" and volunteers are needed to help make this a special event for graduating Seniors.  (This is typically coordinated by Sophomore and/or Junior parents.)

Support for the boys soccer program is 100% run by volunteers.  Everyone should do their best to be involved in some capacity.

A Soccer World!!!